Internationale Poetry-Biennale - Filmfestival - Salon - Netzwerk
Najet Adouani (TN)
Yeşim Ağaoğlu (TR)
Andreas Ammer (DE)
Şehbal Şenyurt Arınlı (TR)
Vera Botterbusch (DE)
Nancy Campbell (Scotland)
Alexandra Cárdenas (CO)
Olalla Castro (ES)
Daiva Čepauskaitė (LT)
Kholoud Charaf (SY)
Don Mee Choi (KR)
Miljana Cunta (SI)
Brigitta Falkner (AT)
Heike Fiedler (CH)
Mónica Francés (ES)
Philip Frischkorn (DE)
Sara Gomez (CL/DE)
Nora Gomringer (CH)
Vaiva Grainytė (LT)
Andrea Grill (AT)
Tomas Grom (SI)
Geraldine Gutiérrez-Wienken (VE)
Volha Hapeyeva (BY)
Cornelius Hell (AT)
Simone Hirth (AT)
Jurgita Jasponité (LT)
Lisa Jeschke (SE)
Christine Johannes (ET)
Mihret Kebede (ET)
Birgit Kempker (CH)
Jessie Kleeman (GL)
Barbara Korun (SI)
Margret Kreidl (AT)
Augusta Laar (DE/CH)
Kalle Aldis Laar (DE)
Alma Larsen (DE)
Robert Lippok (DE)
Luljeta Lleshanaku (AL)
Lotte L.S. (England)
Jasmine Mans (US)
Yirgalem Fisseha Mebrahtu (ER)
Birgit Müller-Wieland (DE)
Pega Mund (DE)
Verena Nolte (DE)
Stella Nyanzi (UG)
Lynn Parkerson (US)
Maarja Pärtna (EE)
Ana Pepelnik (SI)
Halyna Petrosanyak (UA)
Judith Nika Pfeifer (AT)
Dragica Rajčić (HR/CH)
Sophie Reyer (AT)
Philipp Scholz (DE)
Paula Schopf (CL)
Theresa Seraphin (DE)
Maartje Smits (NL)
Oksana Stomina (UA)
Lotta Thiessen (DE)
Cornelia Travnicek (AT)
Iryna Tsylik (UA)
Astrid Vestedt (DE)
Tang Siu Wa (HK)
Anne Waldman (US)
Barbara Yurtdas (DE)
Agnė Žagrakalytė (LT)
Lotte L.S.
Materials Reading Series
Die jüngste Broschüre der Dichterin Lotte L.S. , A town, three cities, a fig, a riot, two blue hyacinths, three beginnings … wurde im Juni 2021 von Tripwire veröffentlicht, THIS ENERGY WASTED BY FLIGHT , ist in englischer Sprache und deutscher Übersetzung bei der Halle Für Kunst Lüneburg ion Vorbereitung.
In unregelmäßigen Abstäden veröffentlicht sie den Newsletter Shedonism.
Lotte L.S. is a poet. Her most recent pamphlet, A town,
three cities, a fig, a riot, two blue hyacinths, three beginnings ... was published by Tripwire in June 2021, THIS ENERGY WASTED BY FLIGHT, is forthcoming
in English, and a German translation, with Halle Für Kunst
She keeps an infrequent newsletter, Shedonism.

Affection for cave, single watt
as certain as there is cum on the pillowcase
she could not see to see
it took single cell
it took near-finished syllables
it took the crimson-blue fact
it took if not the exact colour the exact shape
it took without appearing at all
it took all goddamn night
the harder we try the harder it is to remember
how the trees stood like YYYYYY
unravelling repairs she made by night
“there was no scientific precedent for leaving
people together in the dark”
tranquillity vs. the absence of violence
the consequence of love on the page
the doppelgänger looked just like him but saw lime-green not crimson-blue
gave in easy to her requests as a palm opening to its bride
dazzling clusterfuck of fingers reminding her
anything would get wet if you were prepared to throw water at it
now the foreground is beyond us
just dismantling the forever
the sky’s answering machine
like, busy \ out making, like, plans to end it all
like, booking hotel rooms, like,
karaoke with, like, wireless headphones, like, a rope / a rope
large enough for like the whole fucking sky to slip through
and the lyric waited
for the lyricism to begin
waking up to sightless dreams
waking up to the unification of an all-you-can-eat government
the mouth trying to emulate the whole sorry face
\ the overbearing elegance of the stalagmites just blaring in the free air
the generous highway on fire
the highway generously on fire
waking up to charlotte’s mouth the future of no-future
waking up to an idea that became t-h-e idea
waking up to plastic hangers dressed in something altogether more terrifying
woke up in colour memories / o blue, arise
or, like, it could have been lime-green
woke up to!
the sensation of the room taking off
fruit sweeter than ever before
whole glades of fingers
hugging her insides
she put her ears to its desires one fat fist in an open-air cell
and the lyrical thought
was deemed pleasurable and so unpublishable
then the syllable spoke for itself
then night unravelled through the trees
then this is no kind of forever
then the language forgot transcendence like,
a cockroach in the dark / like, Signs of Concern / like, sitting in sickbay
watching everyone else play ball
then the sky called 999 from its hotel room “overdosed on blue”
the trees refusing to assist
layer-cake-like atrium sky ready to fling itself over the sorry stairs
then the light evaded a use
then the soul remained terrifically unstirred
“j’en ai assez” the lyric no longer had the right to remain quiet
the stalagmites began to drop in succession
finally then the palm tasted the free air
then the present came ever closer
then my sweet little doppelgänger
then my sweet little doppelgänger
then the thought came strongest
periodically turning on the light
then it touched the fact:
never around but through
through but never around
As if to Misread Song
It felt so normal to be ‘inspected,’ ‘looked at,’
‘examined,’ ‘explored,’ ‘interrogated’—
why does the perceptually deprived brain play such tricks?
Still firing off, cleaning up the sopping wetness
of the clouds with a snuffed-out candle wick. The spider
can’t be frightened into a jar. Imagine remembering anything
about those years other than pure sensation—
could the tree do it? The stump of one fallen
nourished for centuries by its surroundings. After some
time I learned to pay attention to ah and oh
and hey—body demanding a toll when another
eventually wanted to enter. At last, to guess instead
of knowing—saying now when the feeling came
strongest: how I miss the future, it’s sideways surrender.
I have since only rarely seen the tree—it puts into my ears
the sounds of all the people living without me:
the dark oaks of the dining room, every knife buried
among the airport car park—letterboxes
where there should have been a lake. Imagine if
afterwards everything can be pure sensation:
sugar-fed and alive in its dismantling.