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Internationale Poetry-Biennale  -  Filmfestival  -  Salon  -  Netzwerk

Samstag, 26. Oktober, 21.30 Uhr

Eva Surma
(Wien / Vienna)

Eva Surma, gebürtige Grazerin. Lebt und schreibt in Leibnitz in der Südsteiermark. Sie hat Deutsch als Fremdsprache im MA Studium abgeschlossen und ist Akademische Expertin der Migrationswissenschaften.

2005 gründet sie gemeinsam mit Sandra Jakomini den verein-freiraum, der fortan die Frauenberatungsstelle Leibnitz trägt. 2021 gründet sie mit Mark Klenk den Verein Worte und Taten. Seit 2022 Mitglied der ≠igfem und Gründerin zusammen mit Anna Cech die ≠igfem Bezirk Leibnitz. Mitglied der internationalen Plattform literatur*grenzenlos und seit 2023 PEN Mitglied.

Jüngster Poetik-Preis „Premio Oltre Confine“, Un Monte di Poesia, Florenz 2022.


⇒ MIDNIGHT POETRY Featuring poets of the partner organisations of the EPESEP project

Eva Surma, a native of Graz. She lives and writes in Leibnitz, in southern Styria, but also enjoys being by the sea. She completed her MA in German as a Foreign Language and is an Academic Expert in Migration Studies.

In 2005, she co-founded the association freiraum with Sandra Jakomini, which has since supported the Women’s Counseling Center in Leibnitz. In 2021, she co-founded the association Words and Deeds with Mark Klenk. Since 2022, she has been a member of ≠igfem and, together with Anna Cech, founded ≠igfem Leibnitz district. She is a member of the international platform literatur*grenzenlos and has been a PEN member since 2023. Eva Surma has been a member of the Lebringer Literary Circle for 15 years.

Her most recent poetry prize: 2022 Un Monte di Poesia, Florence, “Premio Oltre Confine.”



Easy coming

Easy going
Women´s lives matter
Doesn´t matter who needs you
You´re always there
Always busy
Handing over yourself
Giving a hand to others
Up to the end
When no more
Hand is left
In your breadbasket
So easy
To take anything away
From a caring woman

Hello sisters

Hello sisters, can you hear me?
I am one of you
They settle their accounts without us
They laugh at us
Being stupid
Doing their work
Cleaning their toilets
Raising their sons
Just to continue history
I wish we could take over
It´s still the sisters they abuse
To disrupt our strength
Don’t let me be misunderstood
It´s your choice, sisters
Let´s start it over
And create a powerful sisterhood

Of humans

I need all those meadows

The daffodils and the birds
Hanging out with friends
Dropping into heavy stories
Of property
Of ownership
Ownership of the world
Starts by taking ownership
Of words
Feel free to be

Mean things

Mean thoughts
Mean people
They mean the world to you
Spit them out
No longer
Taking care of people
Who don´t care
Share the best things of your life
Within your sisterhood
So they may return to you
As blessings
Of former days.
Be predatory
Don´t be afraid
To disappoint others.
Just don´t disappoint