Internationale Poetry-Biennale  -  Filmfestival  -  Salon  -  Netzwerk

Samstag, 26. Oktober, 21.30 Uhr

Verena Mermer
(Wien / Vienna)



⇒ MIDNIGHT POETRY Featuring poets of the partner organisations of the EPESEP project

Verena Mermer, born in 1984 in St. Egyden am Steinfeld / Lower Austria. Lives and works in Vienna and abroad, whenever possible. Freelance job as a stenographer at the Austrian Parliament. Writes poetry, prose and texts beyond genres. Loves creating realistic characters from various back-grounds and world-building as well as exploring the possibilities of language.

Last publications: die stimme über den dächern, novel, 2015, Autobus Ultima Speranza, novel, 2018.

Shortlist European Union Prize for Literature 2019, Residency at Bowling Green State University / Ohio 2020, Project Grant for Literature from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport 2021.



losing time

time is precious
on earth
and you
protect yourself / procrastinate
procrastinate / harm yourself

let’s assume that heaven
is just another commuter belt
for countless cirrocumulus flocks
or cotton buds
& maybe a firefly

unlike highways

writing never was
a one-way-road
and you
allow the beauty of words / to slip
into the mundane
turn scrap paper / into open space
for lines of poetry
prose fragments
and i
refrain / from corporate
’cause identity
is me

and i
start trusting my gut feelings ’bout all that glitters
cord my sturdy boots / take along
some tape and an aerosol can
and walk


human touch

a blessing / a curse
the aim to appropriate / injustice piercing this shell
recognition healing these holes

alchemy or haute cuisine:
turns shit into gold / gilds crispy skin
to be relished and then shat out

you’ll find caresses and harassment
fingerprints of guilt and love
recent loss rests in your palm
baby’s breath combined with roses

now go and nourish your own body
and that protective cage
stuffed with your own heart
beaten and beating

your bathroom 

invaded by rains & storms
only words

flush them down

transform the shit
into dung
for the rosebuds / to open
the petals / to touch
your fingertips

breathe in
some pollen

do the laundry
your house will stay

soaked with butterfly laughter
emotional graywashing
& maybe
an idea of