Internationale Poetry-Biennale - Filmfestival - Salon - Netzwerk
Edom Baheru (ET)
Marie Kristin Burger (AT)
Maria Cabrera (Katalonien)
Mireia Calafell (Katalonien)
Miriam Calleja (MT)
Nancy Campbell (Schottland)
Karin Fellner (DE)
Yirgalem Fisseha Mebrahtu (ER)
Katrin Freiburghaus (DE)
Zsuzsanna Gahse (CH)
Antye Greie (SF)
Volha Hapeyeva (BY)
Meike Harms (DE)
Barbara Hundegger (AT)
Inga (München)
Mihret Kebede (ET/Wien)
Birgit Kempker (CH)
Saba Kidane (ER/FR)
Ilse Kilic (AT)
Keith Zenga King (CM/M)
Mileti Kiros (ET)
Jessie Kleemann (GL)
Katharina Klement (AT)
Augusta Laar (DE)
Kalle Aldis Laar (DE)
Maja Lee Langvad (DK)
Eva-Maria Leuenberger (CH)
Swantje Lichtenstein (DE)
Laia Malo (Katalonien)
Elsa M'bala (CM/DE)
Astrid Nischkauer (AT)
Miku Nishimoto-Neubert (JP/DE)
Helga Pogatschar (DE)
Phoebe Power (England)
Jaume Reus (Katalonien)
Slata Roschal (RU/DE)
Elisabeth Schwachulla (DE)
Theresa Seraphin (DE)
Michelle Steinbeck (CH)
Marlene Streeruwitz (AT)
Irene Suchy (AT)
Tang Siu Wa (HK)
Misrak Terefe (ET)
Kokob Tesfaldet (ER/SE)
Anja Utler (DE)
Indre Valantinaité (LT)
Christine Yohannes (ET)
Yordanos T. Wolde (ET)
Nora Zapf (DE)
Adey Zema Band (ET)
(Addis Abeba - Äthiopien/Ethiopia)
video production Tobiya Poetic Jazz -
Addis Abeba

Misrak Terefe Eregetu ist die erste äthiopische Dichterin, die eine Gedicht-DVD veröffentlichte. Sie ist Gründungsmitglied von Tobiya Poetic Jazz und wird auf der Tobiya Poetic Jazz DVD Vol.1 vorgestellt. Organisation von Tobiya-Shows im „African Renaissance Television Service“ (Arts Tv), Äthiopien.
Sie hat zu einer Reihe von Gruppenpublikationen beigetragen, ihre neueste Publikation Chewberenda wurde 2018 veröffentlicht. Misrak war Co-Leiterin der monatlichen Poetry Jazz-Events im Ras Hotel in Addis. Im Rahmen der von Tobiya Poetic Jazz in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Hochschulbildung organisierten "Awareness Creation Tour" ist sie an der Organisation von Kunstplattformen an 45 Universitäten in ganz Äthiopien beteiligt.
Als eine von "50 einflussreichen Persönlichkeiten der Kunst", die vom Amt des Premierministers in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ministerium für Kultur und Tourismus empfohlen wurden, fördert sie das Motto 2Kunst für Tourismus und Allgemeine Entwicklung".
Tobiya Poetic Jazz - Festival Focus Ethiopia
Misrak Terefe Eregetu is the first Ethiopian female poet to publish a poetry DVD. She is a founding member of Tobiya Poetic Jazz, and is featured on the Tobiya Poetic Jazz DVD Vol.1. She also organises Tobiya shows on "African Renaissance Television Service" (Arts Tv), Ethiopia.
She has contributed to a number of group publications, her latest publication Chewberenda was published in 2018. Misrak co-led the monthly Poetry Jazz events at the Ras Hotel. As part of The Awareness Creation Tour, organised by Tobiya Poetic Jazz in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Higher Edcuation, she is involved in organising art platforms at 45 universities across Ethiopia.
As one of "50 influential figures in the arts" recommended by the Office of Prime Minister in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, she promotes the motto „Art for Tourism and Overall Development.“
የትኛው ነው ውበቴ
ገና ገና እግሬም ለመሄድ አልጸና
አፌም ቋንቋን አላወቀ
ድዴም ከሳቅ አልታረቀ፡፡
ብቻ ገና
ዓይኖቼም አይተው አልለዩ
እጆቼም ታግለው አላስጣሉኝ፡፡
ብቻ ገና
የንብርክክ ቢሆን ጉዞዬ
ለራስ ብቻ ቢሆን ቋንቋዬ፡፡
መሸነፌ ይሆን ማሸነፉ!
መረታቴ ይሆን መረታቱ!
ሴትነቴ ይሆን ወንድነቱ!
የማረከው ያስማረከኝ!
ጨቅላነቴ ይሆን ጀግንነቱ፡፡
እስኪ ጠይቁት ያን ሠው ያዋደቀው ካልጋዬ፣
የትኛው ነው ውበቴ?
ዳሌ ይሆን ደረቴ?
ዞማዬ ይሆን ባቴ?
አልያስ የሽንቴ ጠረን
ወይ ላብና ቅርሻቴ፡፡
ለበደልህ ወሰን አፅናፍ ገዳይ መባሉ ቀርቶልህ፣
እኔን ለምድር ያጨኝ አንተን ደፋሪ ያሰኘህ፡፡
እስኪ ንገረኝ በሞቴ
የትኛው ነው ውበቴ
What Did You Findd So Beautiful?
For a one-year old baby girl who was raped and killed
My feet had not begun to walk,
my mouth to speak,
I was no earthly good at laughing,
even so…
my eyes could not see clearly what they saw,
my hands were still too soft to fight,
but even so…
I was still a crawler on the ground,
a creature making words which only I could catch,
so how could you have won
by beating me?
how was my loss your victory?
my girl your man?
was it my babyhood that made you brave?
please tell me, what was it in the end
which tempted you into my little bed?
what did you find so beautiful?
my hips, my chest, my long hair or my legs?
my scent of pee or sweat?
I could call you Killer, Rapist, you who married me
to earth…
but oh please, tell me on my life,
what did you find so beautiful?
new year new year: enkutatash – my pearly blues,
of all the names why did the angel give you this?
oh how i wish your name would be just pearl – enku
would be enough – but why tatash? tatash
with all our troubles, tatash with all our blues.
we already have enough of that: don’t borrow us more trouble.
enkutatash – for you – to bloom we bake the bread.
we spread the grass as carpets, flat, we burn the incense,
add the plates, the blessed, to celebrate – to celebrate the change.
enkutatash, if you come – then change, then change us, too.
but if you come to bring new trouble – year after year – don’t come at all.