Internationale Poetry-Biennale - Filmfestival - Salon - Netzwerk
Edom Baheru (ET)
Marie Kristin Burger (AT)
Maria Cabrera (Katalonien)
Mireia Calafell (Katalonien)
Miriam Calleja (MT)
Nancy Campbell (Schottland)
Karin Fellner (DE)
Yirgalem Fisseha Mebrahtu (ER)
Katrin Freiburghaus (DE)
Zsuzsanna Gahse (CH)
Antye Greie (SF)
Volha Hapeyeva (BY)
Meike Harms (DE)
Barbara Hundegger (AT)
Inga (München)
Mihret Kebede (ET/Wien)
Birgit Kempker (CH)
Saba Kidane (ER/FR)
Ilse Kilic (AT)
Keith Zenga King (CM/M)
Mileti Kiros (ET)
Jessie Kleemann (GL)
Katharina Klement (AT)
Augusta Laar (DE)
Kalle Aldis Laar (DE)
Maja Lee Langvad (DK)
Eva-Maria Leuenberger (CH)
Swantje Lichtenstein (DE)
Laia Malo (Katalonien)
Elsa M'bala (CM/DE)
Astrid Nischkauer (AT)
Miku Nishimoto-Neubert (JP/DE)
Helga Pogatschar (DE)
Phoebe Power (England)
Jaume Reus (Katalonien)
Slata Roschal (RU/DE)
Elisabeth Schwachulla (DE)
Theresa Seraphin (DE)
Michelle Steinbeck (CH)
Marlene Streeruwitz (AT)
Irene Suchy (AT)
Tang Siu Wa (HK)
Misrak Terefe (ET)
Kokob Tesfaldet (ER/SE)
Anja Utler (DE)
Indre Valantinaité (LT)
Christine Yohannes (ET)
Yordanos T. Wolde (ET)
Nora Zapf (DE)
Adey Zema Band (ET)
(Addis Abeba - Äthiopien/Ethiopia)
video production Tobiya Poetic Jazz -
Addis Abeba

Edom Baheru, *in Jigjiga, sieht sich in erster Linie als vielseitige Performancekünstlerin. Sie studierte Architektur an der Universität Addis Abeba und konnte mit der Leitung des Campus Radios praktische Erfahrungen in den Bereichen Events, Medien und Performance sammeln. Sie arbeitete mit Künstlern aus der ganzen Welt in Kooperationsprojekten zusammen, leitete einige der besten Bühnen Äthiopiens und organisierte Festivals.
Sie ist überzeugte Vertreterin des Afrozentrismus und moderner Innovationen. Edom verbindet Poesie, Musik, Theater und Bewegung und hofft, eine Ära der Zusammenarbeit innerhalb der neuen Künstlergeneration am Horn von Afrika zu befördern.
Tobiya Poetic Jazz - Festival Focus Ethiopia
Edom Baheru, *in Jigjiga, identifies primarily as a performance artist of multiple traits. She finished her studies in architecture from Addis Ababa University, and has been able to get hands on experience in events, media and performance arts starting from her first year in college where she managed the campus Radio.
She has had the chance to work with incredible artists from around the world in collaboration projects, lead some of the most top stages in events and organize festivals. She’s a firm believer in Afrocentrism and a fan of modern innovations. Coupling poetry, music, theatre and movement, she hopes to bring together an era of collaborative art within the new generation of artists in the horn of Africa.
Teret teret….. yemeseret
hod’kachu tetertiro yisefa begale biret!!!
Yes! I am the daughter of a generation raised on horror stories and trauma
Our bedtime stories did not involve princesses or
Knights on horses
No! We were trained to fear the sound of the hyena
“awooooo endaybelachu”
Told that our neighbors across the street, the one with whites in his beard,
He is a werewolf and he would claim our ears in our sleep
Dad luck and juju didn’t run away by knocking on wood
No, we were told to bite the metal around our necks that is the cross
I am a product of Jijiga
My mother’s name is Meseret and my sister, she called her Shenkore
When she was about 8 years old, she went to the school our mom taught at
Come storytime, my mother started her story with the call and response
“teret teret?....”
“YEMESERET!!!” the room rang with the chime of 100+ students until a moment later
Amongst the silence
My sister’s voice, true and proud, said “YESHENKORE!”
Growing up, that is mine and my brother’s favorite response
I am the daughter of generation who didn’t learn commodities from the tooth fairy
No! My teeth were flung on to the roof of our humble home singing to a bird
“wefe wefe,
Yenen tirs lanchi
Yanchin tirs lene”
Completely ignoring the fact that birds don’t have teeth
My family moved to Addis when I was 8
The first time I heard the stories of Cinderella and Snow White
Was from my third grade music teacher.
I am the daughter of a generation raised on fear and whoopings
My bedtime stories did not involve the wisdom of sock puppets and midnight kisses
No gallivant prince nor god fairieswith their quick fixes
No magic wands, No old witches
No warlocks, and no fat white men in red suits
Coming down the chimney brining me gifts
I am the daughter of a generation that was raised in darkness and taught not to flinch
A product that was programed to befriend spirits so the protect me from evil
I was told of brave monkeys, strong tigers, wise lions
Told at times tough to whisper to a spider
Combe Anansi
Mosttimes I am more comfortable with the beasts than you
I am the creation perfectly imperfect
The imbalance of silence in chaos
Stare at me with envy, I will soak it and make it into shine
Come at me with hatred and I will bounce from it by way of love
Muster all your darkness, call all your demons
Conjure up the devil if you wish,
I am the daughter raised in wit,
Tell me you will disembowel me with your rhymes and
I will mutter a word that you can’t rhyme to