Internationale Poetry-Biennale  -  Filmfestival  -  Salon  -  Netzwerk

Keith Zenga King
Samstag, 24. Oktober, 21 Uhr

live - whiteBOX München

Keith Zenga King ist Schriftsteller, Performancekünstler und Theatermacher, der sich nicht auf ein Geschlecht festlegen lässt, aus Uganda mit Sitz in München. Mit Mitteln der Poesie und Mixed Media untersucht Keith in seiner/ihrer Arbeit Themen wie Verlust, Zugehörigkeit, Trauma, Macht, Geschlecht und Rasse, um die Geschichten der afrikanischen / Migranten / Flüchtlinge / Queer- und Trans * -Gemeinschaften zu erfoschen.

Keith kuratiert Wuss 3000, ein queeres anarchistisches Theater-Performance- und Party-Format, ist künstlerischer Leiter von KOYKOY, einem queeren feministischen Post-Migrant-Kiosk im Münchener Kammerspiele. Seit seiner Flucht ins Exil hat die Mischung aus Stil, Poesie, Risikobereitschaft und kuratorischer Arbeit in den darstellenden Künsten Keith als führenden Queer und Trans * Stimme etabliert.

meine drei lyrischen ichs

Keith Zenga King is a black gender non conforming writer, performance artist and theatre maker from Uganda, based in Munich Germany. Through poetry and mixed media Keith’s work explores themes of loss, belonging, trauma, power, gender and race as they seek to excavate and amplify the stories of the African/migrant/refugee/queer and trans* communities.

Keith Curates Wuss 3000, a queer anarchist theatre perfomance and party format and is artistic director of KOYKOY, a queer feminist, post migrant kiosk at The Muenchener Kammerspiele. Since fleeing into exile, the blend of style, poetry, risk taking perfomance and curatorial work in the performing arts have established Keith as a leading queer and trans* voice.


What if I existed beyond reverie ?
What if you named that which you were afraid of? That which you were afraid of becoming.
Named it desire, Named it pain
Called it longing, called it shame.
What if you grieved your loneliness?
Picked its wounds,
Held them tenderly and traced your scars.
What if you held a mirror to your ugly?
Named that truth,Name that becoming.
Called it infinite,called it nothing.
What if?
What If?
What if?
What if substance reign over lust?


These days....
these days i often think about distance
the distance in the colours of a sun unrisen
the distance in fallen knee and shooting star
these days i often think about distance,
The distance in shadow/illumination
the distance in first kiss/heartbreak,
these days i often think about distance,
the distance in a lovers memory/fantasy
the distance in betrayal and vengeance
these days i often think about distance,
the distance in hunger/prayer
the distance in freedom/escape
these days i often think about distance,
the distance in a sword swallowed /a quiet mouth
the distance in waterfalls that break open from eyes/those which don't . these days i often think about distance,
the distance in what time steals/what it leaves behind.
these days i often think about distance,
distance as incarceration.