Internationale Poetry-Biennale - Filmfestival - Salon - Netzwerk
Edom Baheru (ET)
Marie Kristin Burger (AT)
Maria Cabrera (Katalonien)
Mireia Calafell (Katalonien)
Miriam Calleja (MT)
Nancy Campbell (Schottland)
Karin Fellner (DE)
Yirgalem Fisseha Mebrahtu (ER)
Katrin Freiburghaus (DE)
Zsuzsanna Gahse (CH)
Antye Greie (SF)
Volha Hapeyeva (BY)
Meike Harms (DE)
Barbara Hundegger (AT)
Inga (München)
Mihret Kebede (ET/Wien)
Birgit Kempker (CH)
Saba Kidane (ER/FR)
Ilse Kilic (AT)
Keith Zenga King (CM/M)
Mileti Kiros (ET)
Jessie Kleemann (GL)
Katharina Klement (AT)
Augusta Laar (DE)
Kalle Aldis Laar (DE)
Maja Lee Langvad (DK)
Eva-Maria Leuenberger (CH)
Swantje Lichtenstein (DE)
Laia Malo (Katalonien)
Elsa M'bala (CM/DE)
Astrid Nischkauer (AT)
Miku Nishimoto-Neubert (JP/DE)
Helga Pogatschar (DE)
Phoebe Power (England)
Jaume Reus (Katalonien)
Slata Roschal (RU/DE)
Elisabeth Schwachulla (DE)
Theresa Seraphin (DE)
Michelle Steinbeck (CH)
Marlene Streeruwitz (AT)
Irene Suchy (AT)
Tang Siu Wa (HK)
Misrak Terefe (ET)
Kokob Tesfaldet (ER/SE)
Anja Utler (DE)
Indre Valantinaité (LT)
Christine Yohannes (ET)
Yordanos T. Wolde (ET)
Nora Zapf (DE)
Adey Zema Band (ET)
(Addis Abeba - Äthiopien/Ethiopia)
video production Tobiya Poetic Jazz -
Addis Abeba

Yordanos setzt sich leidenschaftlich für die Rechte der Frauen, die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und reproduktive Gesundheit ein. Sie nutzt ihre Gedichte, um äthiopische Geschichten zu erzählen, und plädiert durch die emotionale Verbindung von Kunst für die Veränderungen, die wir alle brauchen.
Sie ist Programmkoordinatorin bei der Talent Youth Association, wo sie ihr Wissen und Erfahrung aus ihren Jahren als Leiterin des Ständigen Ausschusses für Reproduktive Gesundheit und AIDS der medizinischen Fakultäten Haramaya und Tikur Anbessa einbringt. Sie war Präsidentin des Rotaract Club of Keroggie, einer anderen von Jugendlichen geführten Vereinigung, in der sie Projekte zur Spende von wiederverwendbaren Damenbinden sowie zur Erstellung eines Hygieneschulungshandbuchs für benachteiligte jugendliche Mädchen geleitet hat.
Ihre Gedichte wurden kürzlich in BBCs The Arts Hour, On Tour, veröffentlicht.
Tobiya Poetic Jazz - Festival Focus Ethiopia
Yordanos is a passionate advocate for women‘s rights, gender equality and reproductive health. She uses her poems to tell Ethiopian stories, and through the emotional connection of art, pleads for the change we all deserve.
She is a program coordinator at Talent Youth Association where she has been using her knowledge and experience from her years in leading the Standing Committee of Reproductive Health and AIDS from Haramaya and Tikur Anbessa Medical Schools. She is also the Past President of Rotaract Club of Keroggie, another youth led association where she has led projects on the donation of reusable sanitary pads as well as creating a hygiene training manual for underprivileged adolescent girls.
Her poems were recently featured on BBC‘s The Arts Hour, On Tour.
Conversations with a genie
Will you grant my requests
A few too many
Definitely not three
So bear with me.
Purple and blue
But the darkest of their shade
Pain, Like a bruise
That's managed to overstay
It's non-existent welcome.
On my body,
Your pain is etched
Into my skin as a tattoo
A remimder of each skill to a kill.
No. No.
Like the carvings of a stone
That has trapped
The muffled screams from a scalp
Begging to be freed.
I yearn to be the sculptor
That frees the body of that scalp
To reveal the gleaming face
That I see as you look up.
I yearn to take the load off your shoulders
I would carry them as my own
So you could float as you gloat
To where you belong,
On top!
I wish to be the Gardner
That cultivates the vines
Vines Of the blooming flowers
Extending the goodness of your heart
To every thing they touch.
I wish to be the speaker, and sound system
That transmits, your mesmerizing words
And echoes your melodic voice.
I wish to be the seamstress
That sews the dress you'll put on
As you walk on to the stage of your life
To soak up the joyous applause
from the ones you know and love.
I wish
I wish
I wish to see you bewitched
Enriched by the reflections of your
Of your personality.
I wish to harness
Your very own strength and courage
To give you coverage
From the terrible, the savage.
I wish to be the bucket to your bucket list
I'll keep safe YOUR desires and wishes
For you my genie
These wishes
Will be an attempt to return the many
Many favors and debts I owe thee.