Internationale Poetry-Biennale  -  Filmfestival  -  Salon  -  Netzwerk

___Festival 2018________Europe_Inside_/_Outside________Wien 24_10 | München 26-28_10

Anne Waldman

Mittwoch, 24. Oktober
Literaturhaus Wien
Samstag, 27. Oktober, 20.30 Uhr
whiteBOX München

Foto Nina Subin

Anne Waldman, *1945 in Millville, New Jersey. Seit Jahrzehnten ist die legendäre Beatpoetin Anne Waldman eine äußerst produktive Schriftstellerin, gesellschaftliche und kulturrelle Aktlvistin und intensive Performerin.

Waldman war Gründungsmitglied und langjährige Leiterin des Poetry Project at St Mark’s Church In-the-Bowery, und gründete 1974 mit Allen Ginsberg die Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics an der Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. Seither arbeitet sie an der Naropa Universität als Distinguished Professor of Poetics und ist die künstlerische Leiterin des dortigen Summer Writing Program.

Unter ihren zahlreichen Auszeichnungen ist der PEN Center 2012 Award for Poetry und der American Book Award from the Before Columbus Foundation für ihr Lebenswerk, 2015. Unter anderem ist sie auch in Bob Dylans Film Renaldo and Clara zu sehen.

Von ihren über 40 Gedichtbänden erschienen zuletzt: Trickster Feminism, 2018 (mit Zeichnungen von Lauroe Anderson), Voice’s Daughter Of A Heart Yet To Be Born, 2016, Gossamurmur, 2013.

Kinetic Utopias. A Writing Workshop With Anne Waldman in Wien und München

Anne Waldman, *1945 in Millville, New Jersey, has been a prolific poet, cultural activist and performer for many years.

She was one of the founders of the Poetry Project at St Mark’s Church In-the-Bowery, and its Director a number of years and went on to found The Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University with Allen Ginsberg in 1974. She has continued to work at Naropa as a Distinguished Professor of Poetics and Artistic Director of its Summer Writing Program.

Among numerous honourings are the PEN Center 2012 Award for Poetry and the American Book Award from the Before Columbus Foundation for Lifetime Achievement, 2015. She was featured in Bob Dylan‘s experimental film Renaldo and Clara.

She has published over forty books of poetry, recently: Trickster Feminism, 2018, Voice’s Daughter Of A Heart Yet To Be Born, 2016, Gossamurmur, 2013.

Kinetic Utopias. A Writing Workshop With Anne Waldman in Vienna and Munich

                                 detour of a clinamen  ---Jacques Derrida

drone & cope?    did   trap   culture   ruinously   triage   did   chaos
reshape   history   girls in the dark    trying to read   a man’s world
free electron   with atom   collides   then   enfolds   didn't grok    tangent
patria   to make kinder   spread dissing   widening then   worsening    word-lore
did   assassin’s teeth   patriarchus   tectonics   tethered   pathological oligarchy
did   memory   bites   surrounds    money   did this   a grammar  digital
language   entwined   polis   vernacular   holds   does this   does this
curses   tightening coil   antic of animal   on kill   irreparable
marked   did this   enslave  “get lost”   does  this   spits   out   derivatives
did this   out of nothing: anamnesis   out of lethargon   un-forgetting
fields of unsheathed wheat   cots   bunks   prisons   inside   are cussed   did this      
conditions   apocalyptic scenarios   laws   to ensnare    agency!   agency! 
grind & toil   of meat   wheel   how   dallied    this world   gone mute   you did this    
in oscillation   does this   a coup   all turns   did this   stressed   this   world    
crude in light    iron fist   photon disquiet   waves of probability   Gematria      
code to names & word     am diamond fortress   am forest of refugees      
rescue men & boys   am escape   falling city   poets   with cusp on zodiac   did this
projectiles   continuum    I feel love I feel love   and gnosis   am your spy agency 
hacking   & cyber warfare   “Winterlight”    “Fox Acid”    servers
impersonated   as   person   am   legitimate   imposter   topos woman  
politic proletarian   linked    in   profile   not   happy   in melancholia  
identity page   be tracking   gems   quotients   situate   the   frame   did this
transcendent   philosophia perrenis   theatre of dreams   never give up       
never forget   you sold us out   “sold us down the river”  did this   in cheap coinage
slaver’s tongue “bank’s closed”    “goosed outta here”    “shrank us”
“greased us over”    lifetimes   will remember   you did this   you do this  
will be pacifying   will be enriching   will be magnetizing   will be destroying 
and       never        wear        out        a        cosmic        war        on        you
(my name is Anne Waldman and I approve this message)



Anne Waldman copyright 2018 from Trickster Feminism


Insolence and the lovely life of
A Hannah Hoch
A rankling of affinity
Girl moods
My old rigor, my girl
Distort head & sex
Roll over
The moon the moon
Fragmented the truth serum
Marx happened
Existential better be your mother
Idiocy of the curl
Churlish lip
A chuff and a chin curls
Ivory spurt
Silks and a pattern
Lesbian moonlight
You only offer sandwiches beer and
Coffee?  the cruel Richter
The married Raoul
Men on the slant
A chase for origins
Spools, clans folk, adherents
Got Hong Kong blues?
You could be a fashion plate
Cut the A lines
Then the fish
Architectures break down
Come see me in your cutting mode
A small street in old town
Rattling vehicles
Fish heads for sale
Shopping as a guise
Checking out investments
Vestibules relegate the downturn
Collecting culture on a downswing
The little pieces of paper! Aha!
On the verticals
Crass deformations
Caress my transient metabolism
The new multi-territories of identity
I will vote only in my anarchist bones
Skin over, sing over the melody
Bring the vocals up,
My bone my bones, bring them on
Abrupt denials tension
My larynx hungers for your not not-art?
Are you not-culture? Not you?
What are you?
Knot of Hannah, wired to montage
This is my camera: China
Hannah leaves the café
Warmer, less hungry
She goes into zone B
Traffic where zone A is all cars
World War 1 is a Red Cross
My fellow sisterly feeling
Then I go into exile, dear girl
My exchange for Mao money
Don't speak for my world, World!
Is news fascination?
Can she travel? She will stay in Berlin
Nazi down the block
Hannah hocks the tribal feeling
Hannah takes out her scissors
Punishing fears of rhythm dominance
Cut cut the ghosts
Cut cut linear time
Cut modernity!
Cut the men who dissolve
Birds & wings & snakes
Cut cut cut
Artifacts resume power and
Prevail to alter a work station
Music elevated to the
Fetish on a badly missionized street
Are you memorized yet?
Is intervention a plus for you?
Skip rope, and hope hovers
Then you’re bodied
You are hooded
Waiting for the ax to fall
Get high up, don't make it be all you!
About the money, about love
Waiting for flood relief in the dark age
Encounter a detour, a woman’s glove
Memory needs objects
Mountains are frozen waves
Image de la Chine?
We overlap you, my girl
Alive in my roaring time frame
Text your observers my way
Need better reportage
Your salvaging status, Hannah
Held in the lockdown
On the wildlife
Oral tribes in your astrology chart?
Gunning & truck lore?
Today it’s also armed trucks
Border patrols. Armed vigilantes
Lockdown, mass death
Today it’s a critical mass
Of violence and suffering
Document sent for “too few”
Immigrants, no room
The sunshades give silence
But wake up the sleeves!
Uncoil Berlin!
Germany welcomes you!
Uncoil New York
Are you vertical?
Empire of cutting up China
Mantra of cut cut
Don't violate city anthropology Ha!
Text your massive hope: 2018
We learn from you
Images not sacrosanct
Epic rainbow struggles
Lost in shoes a global destiny
Dust my bin
Then get out of my way
Headband regalia?
Starve the puritans, rattle their cages
Will guide you
Loop waver fork
Don’t mimic the lost bodies
They need your cut cut deranged eyes!


Copyright 2018 by Anne Waldman