Internationale Poetry-Biennale - Filmfestival - Salon - Netzwerk
___Festival 2018________Europe_Inside_/_Outside________Wien 24_10 | München 26-28_10
Laura Accerboni (CH)
Lubi Barre (SO)
Lucy Beynon (GB)
Bela Chekurishvili (GE)
Audrey Chen (CN)
Odile Cornuz (CH)
Abbie Conant (US)
Oya Erdoğan (TR)
Katrin Sofie F. (DE)
Heike Fröhlich (DE)
Zsuzsanna Gahse (CH)
Petra Ganglbauer (AT)
Romana Ganzoni (CH)
Sabine Gruber (IT)
Lisa Jeschke (DE)
Kateryna Kalytko (UA)
Giedrė Kazlauskaitė (LT)
Judith Keller (CH)
Eka Kevanishvili (GE)
Margret Kreidl (AT)
Augusta Laar (DE/CH)
Kalle Laar (DE)
Zuzana Lazarová (CZ)
Swantje Lichtenstein (DE)
Barbi Marković (RS)
Olga Martynova (RU)
Gonca Özmen (TR)
Lynn Parkerson (US)
Rosa Pock (AT)
Dragica Rajčić (HR)
Oksana Sabuschko (UA)
Zoë Skoulding (GB)
Marie Šťastná (CZ)
Kinga Thót (HU)
Iryna Tsilyk (UA)
Anja Utler (DE)
Antje Vowinkel (DE)
Anne Waldman (US)
Elisabeth Wandeler-Deck (CH)
Neşe Yaşın (Zypern)
Barbara Yurtdas (DE)
Nora Zapf (DE)
(München & England)
whiteBOX München

Lisa Jeschke (München) und Lucy Beynon (London) machen zusammen Performances.
Zuletzt: David Cameron [a theatre of knife songs], 2013, Textfassung erschienen bei Shit Valley, 2015, Ladies of the Night and the Judiciary A.K.A. Little Stars, 2015 und The Tragedy of Theresa May, 2016, Textfassung erschienen bei Tipped Press, 2018.
Lisa Jeschke (Munich) and Lucy Beynon (London) create performances.
Latest: David Cameron [a theatre of knife songs], 2013, written version published by Shit Valley, 2015, Ladies of the Night and the Judiciary A.K.A. Little Stars, 2015 and The Tragedy of Theresa May, 2016, written version published by Tipped Press, 2018.
Ladies of the Night, and the Judiciary, A.K.A. Little Stars
Ladies of the Night, and the Judiciary, A.K.A. Little Stars.
We should begin by singing this national anthem to our love:
[Perform first chorus of song:] AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU
I love stories of animals of different species coming together and becoming friends.
My Con. My everything.
I’m Justice Prudence, this is Constanza and we’re life partners. It’s a domestic set-up. Austerity here is our bitch. Stay down, Austerity! Costly whore!
When judging, I perpetually recall loyal Constanza on her knees before the white throne, as a shining model for the aspirations of justice. She’s keeping up her end. Of the bargain. My bargain, which makes the eternal promise that today will always be terrible so that tomorrow might be quite good – a promise enacted in law before and henceforth into more war. So well done, solitary Constanza, my well-contracted wife.
Being blind, not much matters SAVE blazing the way for more and more of us to be the few. Therefore I enforce in my courting the well-protected truth that girls and girlish ways should endeavour to be way more like me, and my competitors. But, in spite of the strong-armed model for equal perks that I enshrine, some dumb scum don’t pay up attention and stay unwarranting of promotion. Against you I am employed to state: ROLL DOWN YOUR WHORE SKIRTS! CONCEAL! YOU’RE SMEARING FAECES ALL OVER MY SOFA!
That said, I won’t be called unbalanced. I believe in equal opportunities for all words, regardless of words. For example ‘career’. So I charged dear, free Constanza to rote learn this shitty little quote from the whores in their defence. Go on, make the case for the defence Con!
Judge not, high-ranker. You suck on ‘freedom of speech’, ‘equality of opportunity’ and ‘mortgages’, categories which nourish you and perpetuate our gradual expiration. You offer us to drink of your solution, and as you offer you consume – us. Whereas the law swears blind that each human is human, we see that we are sub. Ach woe! We are not the same. Womanly people are divided into madams and their loving maids. Our pseudo-universal cunts are the precise full fleshly measure of our division. Angela Merkel is no sister. Merkel is a pimp. But the madam can only eat the maid until the maids undo the positions of madam and maid, un-madaming the madam and un-maiding themselves, the maids.
Ha! We cannot know whether culture can survive the self-abolition of domestic servants!
Ha! We cannot know whether culture can survive the self-abolition of domestic servants!
Ha! We cannot know whether culture can survive the self-abolition of domestic servants!
V: Neigh, neigh, neigh
Mini boss mini boss mini boss
Sad middle management mini boss – all cross!
You’re a little centaur with the policeman on top!
Sad eyes clip clop floppy cock!!!
It’s just not just – but it’s not just you
But it is you a bit so we might just kill you!
Who? Who? Who is the boy that is beating us through you?
Beating you through you?
Rent-a-mouth! Open up! He’s screaming right through you at you – this:
Argh! Argh! Keep in organy remembrance the fact that yours is really a low species of labour, and there is none more easily acquired. Replaceable, replaceable, replaceable cunt!
Neigh, neigh, neigh
Mini boss! Mini boss! Centaur Mini Boss
10p more to be ripped in two
Here are the things that you do
Here are the things that you do to you
For 10p more and a rip in two
1) You take on culpability for the errors of ALL others, man or beast, 2) you stay behind late to work extra-minutes and extra-hours, no pay of any kind, 3) also, you are obliged to remain permanently 24-hour-reachable by mobile phone in case of staffing problem occurring in your absence which it is then your econo-mortal requirement to solve instantaneously wherever you are, without resources, while you were just out in the park having free time, which retrospectively makes even the memory of the twentieth-century park or of twentieth-century Freizeit appear like the realisation of actually lived mini bliss, HAHAHAHAHAHA!, 4) You are the one obliged to show your cheek to be hit in the arse-face left and right by customer complaints articulated by customers in the mistaken customer belief that the act of consumption is the sole human right and the site of all agency, paired with the customer’s belief that all employees working for a company ARE that company (except its profit), 5) plus also there are many other things that you have to do for a mini extra 10p. Many.
Neigh, neigh, neigh
Mini boss! Mini boss! Centaur miniature boss
I do not know why you do all that
For 10p more and a slap on the back
10p more and a knife up your crack
Slice! Slice! Why’ve you got to be so nice
Nice to the boy but actually super cruel to us like the whole time
I just feel Pity! Pity! Even when you act so shitty
But NO! Pity’s your whip crack crack we work hard
Fast wearing down our mini mini arse
So you, you, this is what we think of you: strict-lipped well-used sycophant, upward-smiling grimace face, aspirant, jumped up keen little sucked up mini-police, semi-flaccid Shard, servant ruler ruler servant, you, I half hope you DO die you fucking mini dick flesh itch!