Neshe Yasin (Zypern / Cyprus)

*1959 in Zypern. Neshe Yasin wird auf beiden Seiten des geteilten Zypern gelesen und besonders respektiert.

Sie studierte Soziologie an der Middle East Technical University in Ankara, und unterrichtet Sprache und Literatur am Institut für Türkische Studien der University of Cyprus.

Von ihren sieben Gedichtbänden ist der jüngste Rose Falling into Night, 2016.

Ihre Gedichte wurden in mehr als 40 Sprachen übersetzt, sie ist auf zahlreichen Festivals weltweit vertreten.

Sonntag / Sun 30.10. - 15 Uhr

*1959 in Cyprus. She is well known and read on both sides of divided Cyprus. She studied Sociology at Middle East Technical University in Ankara and teaches language and literature at the Turkish Studies department of University of Cyprus.

Of her seven poetry books the latest is Rose Falling into Night, 2016.

Her poetry has been translated to more than 40 languages and participated in poetry festivals and readings around the world.

Ode to Love

We were like the broken branches during the last looting
deceived by the love-making of spring

To be one
That impossible of all desires
At the border of time

You would wake up to the verses
of your distant land
while I, a sleepy kitten
would lay in the bed of miracles


I would enter your kingdom
Through shuttered doors
with the bare feet of my fear

My mind was the wind
Talking to trees, to the clouds

My loving you
a dove taking wing
at the border of the unknown

The sudden flutter of the butterfly
The shudder of the flower

My loving you
like fireworks
Kissing the night


While fleeing in fear
She turns into a tree
makes love with the light
On a bed of Daphne leaves

You had smiled
Deep in your eyes
I saw the dream of the heart
I saw lakes, swans, shuddering branches

You had broken me
I saw lands torn apart inside me
Your raft drifting away
My own drowning
The invading galloping horsemen
You, standing on another shore

We were in the seventh night of love
In the other dimension of time
In the hidden hut of the heart
In the seclusion of the body

We were in the claws of desire
In the moisture of our tongues
At the desolation of existence
at a moment in eternity
in the eternity of  moment



We returned before we reached the desired
But on our return it seemed like we had reached it

We were the fireflies of desire
the skin of the rising sea
the howling of the unknown

The city under snow
The naked bodies
The first dawn of love
The wings of innocence
The small miracle of the heart

The moans of the night
And the boats of bodies
diving in diving out

Remember the land we reached
The wet stones
Our mingling breath
Pulling in the thread of longing
dissolving into each other
the peace of oblivion

The shudder of the inflamed body
Our rise
The melting of wings

The desperation of desire
your forgotten  serenity
drinking the magic nectar
in each other’s desolation

In the silence I build up
the question burning in the void
to be strangers while close
and close while strangers
the secret melancholy of passion

What remains of you
is the street you stroll in my dreams
The steps that crush my soul
The leaf scattered in the tunnel

The last embrace
in the desert storm

If ever this poem comes flying to you
Cling onto its wings
Don’t let the bittersweet memory of the heart
be orphaned