International Poetry-Biennial - Filmfestival - Salon - Network
___Festival 2018________Europe_Inside_/_Outside________Vienna 24_10 | Munich 26-28_10
Laura Accerboni (CH)
Lubi Barre (SO)
Lucy Beynon (GB)
Bela Chekurishvili (GE)
Audrey Chen (CN)
Odile Cornuz (CH)
Abbie Conant (US)
Oya Erdoğan (TR)
Katrin Sofie F. (DE)
Heike Fröhlich (DE)
Zsuzsanna Gahse (CH)
Petra Ganglbauer (AT)
Romana Ganzoni (CH)
Sabine Gruber (IT)
Lisa Jeschke (DE)
Kateryna Kalytko (UA)
Giedrė Kazlauskaitė (LT)
Judith Keller (CH)
Eka Kevanishvili (GE)
Margret Kreidl (AT)
Augusta Laar (DE/CH)
Kalle Laar (DE)
Zuzana Lazarová (CZ)
Swantje Lichtenstein (DE)
Barbi Marković (RS)
Olga Martynova (RU)
Gonca Özmen (TR)
Lynn Parkerson (US)
Rosa Pock (AT)
Dragica Rajčić (HR)
Oksana Sabuschko (UA)
Zoë Skoulding (GB)
Marie Šťastná (CZ)
Kinga Thót (HU)
Iryna Tsilyk (UA)
Anja Utler (DE)
Antje Vowinkel (DE)
Anne Waldman (US)
Elisabeth Wandeler-Deck (CH)
Neşe Yaşın (Zypern)
Barbara Yurtdas (DE)
Nora Zapf (DE)
whiteBOX Munich

*1959 in Zypern. Neshe Yasin wird auf beiden Seiten des geteilten Zypern gelesen und besonders respektiert.
Sie studierte Soziologie an der Middle East Technical University in Ankara, und unterrichtet Sprache und Literatur am Institut für Türkische Studien der University of Cyprus. Von ihren sieben Gedichtbänden ist der jüngste Rose Falling into Night, 2016.
Ihre Gedichte wurden in mehr als 40 Sprachen übersetzt, sie ist auf zahlreichen Festivals weltweit vertreten.
Neşe Yaşın, *1959 in Cyprus.
Yaşın is well known and read on both sides of divided Cyprus. Her poem called Which Half? that she wrote at the age of 17 was composed by the Greek Cypriot Marios Tokas and became an icon of identity, an unofficial anthem for a united Cyprus.
She has published eight volumes of poetry, one novel and a research book on literature. Selections from her poetry have been translated to more than 30 languages, published in literary magazines and anthologies in different counties. A selection from her poems have been published in English translation titled Rose Falling Into Night.
She has participated in poetry festivals and readings around the world. Among others she has received the Anthias Pierides Award in 1998.
Büyük Söz
Şiir o büyük sözü söyleyince
bütün silahlar birden susacak
ölmüşlerin hep bir ağızdan söylediği
tarihten çıkıp gelen kalabalığın
akan kanın ve acıların çığlığı olan söz
Çiçek usulca fısıldayacak bu sözü
gökyüzündeki ağlayan bulut
coşkulu dalgaları denizin
asker olmak istemeyen çocuklar söyleyecek
İşte o gün
köpüklerden yeni bir aşk doğacak
milliyeti belirsiz
Büyülü sözcükler
susmuş yüreklerin intikamı tarihten
aşkın rüzgarıyla öpüşürken
utancından ölecek savaş
Yarım vatana ihanet
ulaşmaksa bütün vatana
şahane boynuzların olacak milliyetçilik
ihanet edeceğim sana
bütün düşmanlarla sevişip
peşime kanlı ordular koysan da
ihanet edeceğim sana
yeryüzünün bütün kıtalarında
Şiir o büyük sözü söyleyince
bütün pazarlıklar ve görüşmeler bitecek
işsiz kalacak arabulucular
İçinde yıldızları ve nehirleri taşıyan
bütün zamanlardaki sonsuz sevişmeleri
yağmurları denizleri ve sesleri taşıyan
o büyük sözle boyun eğecek tarih
Şiir söyleyince o büyük sözü
ya kurşuna dizilecek bütün şairler
ya da barış inecek toprağa
Das große Wort
Wenn die Poesie jenes große Wort ausspricht
werden alle Waffen plötzlich schweigen
Jenes Wort, das die Toten wie aus einem Munde rufen
der Schrei der Menge aus der Geschichte
des fließenden Blutes und der Schmerzen
Die Blume wird dieses Wort leise flüstern
Die weinende Wolke am Himmel
die wilden Wogen des Meeres
die Kinder, die nicht Soldat sein wollen, werden es sagen
An eben jenem Tag
wird aus Schaum eine neue Liebe geboren
von unbestimmter Nationalität
Während die magischen Worte
Rache der schweigenden Herzen an der Geschichte
sich mit dem Wind der Liebe küssen
wird der Krieg vor Scham umkommen
Wenn Verrat am halben Vaterland
das ganze Vaterland bedeutet
dann bekommst du jetzt prächtige Hörner aufgesetzt, Nationalismus
Ich werde dich betrügen
indem ich mit allen Feinden schlafe
selbst wenn du blutige Heere gegen mich richtest
Ich werde dich betrügen
auf allen Kontinenten dieser Erde
Wenn die Poesie jenes große Wort ausspricht
werden alle Verhandlungen und Treffen enden
die Vermittler arbeitslos sein
Auf jenes große Wort hin, das Sterne und Flüsse in sich trägt
endlose Liebesakte in allen Zeiten
das Regen, Meere und Stimmen in sich trägt
wird sie sich ergeben, die Geschichte
Wenn die Poesie jenes große Wort ausspricht
werden entweder alle Dichter erschossen
oder der Frieden kommt auf das Land nieder
Übersetzung Boerte Sagaster
The Big Word
When the poem utters the big word
all the weapons will hush at once
the word that's the voice of
the spilled blood and the cry of suffering
the word that's uttered by the chorus of the dead
and by the exiled crowd of history.
It will be whispered by the flower
the weeping cloud in the sky
the rapturous waves of the sea
and the children who do not want
to join the army.
That day, a new love will emerge
from the foams of the sea
that is indistinct in nationality.
War will die of shame
as the silence starts taking revenge from history
and the magic words
will kiss the wind of love.
If being disloyal to the half
will bring me the whole native land
your nationalism will be a cuckold's egg
I shall betray you
even with your bloody armies after me
I shall make love with all the enemies
I shall betray you
on all the continents of this earth.
When the poem utters the big word
all the deals and negotiations
will come to an end with nothing left to say
all the mediators will be unemployed.
The history will surrender
under that big word which carries
the stars and the rivers
the endless love making of all times
the sounds, the rain, and the seas.
When the big word
will be uttered by the poem
either all the poets will be executed
or peace will descend on earth.
Translation Zeki Ali