International Poetry-Biennial - Filmfestival - Salon - Network
___Festival 2018________Europe_Inside_/_Outside________Vienna 24_10 | Munich 26-28_10
Sunday, 14
Multi Lingual Switzerland:
Laura Accerboni, Odile Cornuz, Romana Ganzoni, Elisabeth Wandeler-Deck.
Presentation Nicola Bardola.
For the first time we will be able to listen to the sound of all four major languages spoken in Switzerland, an example of at least linguistic intergration and variety on small territory.
Italian: Laura Accerboni, Laura Accerboni, *1985 in Genova (I), lives in Lugano (CH). She has published two poetry collections: Attorno a ciò che non è stato, Edizioni del Leone 2010 and La parte dell’annegato, Nottetempo 2016. Her next poetry book is being published by Einaudi. Among her many awards are the Piero Alinari 2011 and Achille Marazza 2012. She has been selected for the Versopolis project, promoted by the European Union. ⇒ poetry
French: Odile Cornuz Odile Cornuz obtained her Ph.D. in Literature in 2014, and still pursues her literary curiosity. She published Ma ralentie in 2018 and Pourquoi veux-tu que ça rime? in 2014, d’autre part, Geneva. She also writes for radio and theatre and enjoys the company of musicians, especially for her readings. She lives in Lausanne. ⇒ poetry
Rhaeto-Romanic: Romana Ganzoni, *1967 in Scuol (CH). She lives and works in Celerina/Schlarigna. Since 2013 she publishes writings in German and in two different Rhaeto-Romansh idioms. Writes poetry, essays, blogs and radio features, and a monologue called La duonna. In 2014 she was nominated for the Bachmannpreis. Most recently: Granada Grischun, story collection, and the dime novel Das Kastanienbankett, both in 2017. ⇒ poetry
Deutsch: Elisabeth Wandeler-Deck , *1939, lives in Zürich. Architect and sociologist. Man publications, books, in literatary magazines and online. Creates scenic performances and combines pictures with texts. As a musician and writer she is a member of the improvisers quartet "bunte hörschlaufen". Most recent publications: Das Heimweh der Meeresschildkröten – Heterotopien der Nacht, prose 2015, arioso – archive des zukommens, poetry 2016. awards: Basler Lyrikpreis 2013, Werkjahr der Stadt Zürich 2017. ⇒ poetry
Nicola Bardola, *1959 in Zürich, lebt als freier Journalist, Autor und Übersetzer in München. Seine Texte erschienen u.a. in der Süddeutschen Zeitung, der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung und in der Zeit. Zuletzt veröffentlichte er Utopien - Ein Lesebuch im S.Fischer Verlag.
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