Internationale Poetry-Biennale - Filmfestival - Salon - Netzwerk
___Festival 2016________________________________
- Lydia Lunch (USA)
- Limpe Fuchs (D)
- Berry Heart (BW)
- Heike Fiedler /
Marie Schwab (CH) - Verena Marisa (D)
- Inguna Rubene (LV)
- Dine Doneff (GR)
- Kunst oder Unfall

Lydia Lunch (USA) - Spoken Word
Eine der größten New Yorker Musiker/innen aller Zeiten.
"Die Grand Dame des No-Wave, eine der faszinierendsten und eigenwilligsten Künstlerinnen aus der New Yorker Avantgarde Szene der 70er Jahre."
Der Boston Phoenix nannte Lunch "eine der 10 einflussreichsten Performer der 1990er".
Während iherer ganzen Karriere hat sie ihre provokative Haltung und ihr anti-kommerzielles Ethos bewahrt, sie blieb immer unabhängig von Major Labels und Vertrieben.
Lunch kam 1976 als 16-Jährige aus Rochester nach New York City mit nichts als "einem kleinen roten Koffer, einem Wintermantel und einer verdammt großen Klappe". Willy DeVille taufte sie "Lunch" weil sie oft den Lunch der Punkband "The Dead Boys" klaute. Sie befreundete sich mit Alan Vega und Martin Rev, und gründete die kurzlebige aber umso einflussreichere No Wave Band "Teenage Jesus and the Jerks" mit James Chance. Sie übernahm Rollen in Filmen von Scott B and Beth B. und Vivienne Dick und schrieb, führte Regie und spielte in Underground Filmen, u.a. mit Richard Kern.
Mitte der 1980er gründete sie ein eigenes Label und einen Verlag namens "Widowspeak", auf beiden publiziert sie nach wie vor eigenes Material. Im Laufe ihrer Karriere arbeitete sie mit zahlreichen Musikern zusammen. z.B. mit Kim Gordon, Thurston Moore, Nick Cave, Marc Almond, Einstürzende Neubauten, Sonic Youth.
Sie tritt verstärkt als Spoken Word artist auf, manchmal mit Henry Rollins oder Hubert Selby Jr., und leitete mehrere Jahre ihre Spoken-Word Performance Night "The Unhappy Hour" im Parlour Club.
2007 wurde ein You Tube Video viral, in dem Lunch Backstage nach einer Joe Rogan Comedy Show den Komiker für seine Witze über "dumb women", dumme Frauen, angriff . 2009 gründete sie die Band "Big Sexy Noise". 2013 unterschrieb Lydia beim Independent Rustblade Label.
Mit ihrer aktuellen Formation "Lydia Lunch & Cypress Grove" ist sie international erfolgreich, 2014 erschien das viel beachtete Album A Fistful Of Desert Blues.
Lydia Lunch Spoken Word Berlin March 15, 2012
Diskografie: www.discogs.com/artist/10290-Lydia-Lunch
Lydia Lunch-Interview im (Pop-)Kulturmagazin "Tracks", arte.tv, 28.01.2010
An interview with Lydia Lunch at the Grauzone Festival (Melkweg, Amsterdam) on 31 January 2014.
Freitag / Friday 28.10. - 21
One of the greatest New York musicians of all time.
Lydia Lunch is an American singer, poet, writer, and actress whose career was spawned by the New York No Wave scene. The Boston Phoenix named Lunch "one of the 10 most influential performers of the 1990s".
Her work typically features provocative and confrontational noise music delivery and has maintained an anti-commercial ethico perating independently of major labels and distributors.
Lunch moved to New York City from Rochester at the age of 16 in 1976 with what she described having nothing but "a small red suitcase, a winter coat, and a big fucking attitude". Willy DeVille gave her the name "Lunch" because she often stole lunches from The Dead Boys. After befriending Alan Vega and Martin Rev, she founded the short-lived but influential No Wave band Teenage Jesus and the Jerks, with James Chance. She appeared in films by directors Scott B and Beth B., and Vivienne Dick and also wrote, directed and acted in underground films, sometimes collaborating with underground filmmaker and photographer Richard Kern
In the mid-1980s she formed her own recording and publishing company called "Widowspeak" on which she continues to release her own material, from music to spoken word. Lunch’s solo career featured numerous collaborations with musicians such as Kim Gordon, Thurston Moore, Nick Cave, Marc Almond, Einstürzende Neubauten, Sonic Youth.
More recently she recorded and performed as a spoken word artist, collaborating with such artists as Henry Rollins and Hubert Selby Jr., as well as hosting the spoken-word performance night "The Unhappy Hour" at the Parlour Club.
In 2007, Lunch appeared on a viral video that was recorded backstage after a Joe Rogan comedy show, in which she confronted Joe Rogan for making jokes about "dumb women" in his comedy act. In 2009, Lunch formed the band Big Sexy Noise. In 2011, she appeared in Mutantes: punk, porn, feminism, a film directed by Virginie Despentes, also featuring Annie Sprinkle and Catherine Breillat.
In 2013 Lydia signed the contract with Rustblade Label
Lydia Lunch Spoken Word Berlin March 15, 2012
Diskografie: www.discogs.com/artist/10290-Lydia-Lunch
Lydia Lunch-Interview im (Pop-)Kulturmagazin "Tracks", arte.tv, 28.01.2010
An interview with Lydia Lunch at the Grauzone Festival (Melkweg, Amsterdam) on 31 January 2014.
I’m left murderous again
A corrosive bloodline
Which bruises the bones
And violates from the inside out
Seeking retribution against
The flesh of its host carrier
Electro-spasms of agitation
Spinning shock waves
Which ripple under the skin
Irritating from the outside in.
This is where part of me still lives
The blood letter
The maniac
The psychotic
Suffering from schizophrenic mood swings.
I scream at myself
To just fucking stop
To learn to stay away
So I can find a way
To make each goddamn day
Not feel so murderous.
Hyperactive limbo…Electric rigamortis
One foot in front of the other
A thousand more Sisyphean feats.
The slow leaking of light.
Night creeps in and I start to lose it. What I try to
hide from in the shadows cast by the sun
develop a petulant luminescence as the dark sets in.
A strange hollow forms in the pit of my gut like
something has been ripped away.
What the hell am I doing?
Dividing the night from this horrendous now.
This crushing bruise. The empty hollow.
The slow peeling soul murder of my own life force
as it rappels against itself
This is how I feel when my desire is denied.
When I do not keep my hunger in check.
When it is ignored.
When I pretend it does not exist.
When I attempt to placate it with false fuels,
minor distractions. Inaction. Stasis.
When the part of me that is frozen
is kicked in the teeth by a brute desire
born of fire and fury that starts to bray
enraged because a revolution
staged by only one is not a rebellion
but simple madness.