SA 25.10. 20.30 UHR MÜNCHEN

Patti Trimble (USA / Sizilien)

lebt in Kalifornien und Sizilien. Sie ist Mitbegründerin (und langjährige Festival-Poetin) des Tuolumne Poetry Festival in Yosemite.

Patti Trimble schreibt für das San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival und unterrichtet creative writing in USA und auf Sizilien. Sie erhielt Preise von der Lannan Foundation, Poets&Writers und der Djerassi Artist Foundation.

Zu ihren Veröffentlichungen mit Musikern gehören "Small Craft Advisories", 1998 mit Bill Horvitz; "In the Middle of the Night of the Road of My Life …" 2014 mit Peter Whitehead; " Hello Heaven! Poems from Arabic Sicily" 2014 mit dem Sänger Ramzi Harrabi.

Patti Trimble wir begleitet von ⇒ Kalle Laar

In your place
I would have bones filled with air,
a beak to pull the work of hands,
a head I turn entirely
to see the whole of things.

American poet Patti Trimble lives in California and Sicily. She is the co-founder (and long-time festival poet) of the Tuolumne Poetry Festival in Yosemite, and her writing has received grants from the Lannan Foundation, Poets&Writers and Djerassi Artist Residency. She writes for the San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival and teaches creative writing in US and Sicily.

Her poetry recordings include "Small Craft Advisories", 1998 with Bill Horvitz; "In the Middle of the Night of the Road of My Life ..." 2014 with Peter Whitehead; "Hello Heaven! Poems from Arabic Sicily" 2014, with singer Ramzi Harrabi, on the San Francisco-based out of round records.