SO 26.10. 19.30 UHR MÜNCHEN

Dacia Maraini (I)

*1936 in Fiesole bei Florenz, wuchs sie in Japan auf. Von 1943 bis 1945 war die Familie in einem Konzentrationslager interniert. Nach der Rückkehr aus Japan lebte sie in Sizilien.

Dacia Maraini studierte in Palermo, Florenz und Rom und begann, in literarischen Magazinen zu veröffentlichen.

Neben Studien und Essays erschienen ab 1962 zehn Romane, zuletzt 2013 "Chiara di Assisi".

Darüber hinaus gibt es fünf Gedichtsammlungen, u.a.: "Viaggiando con passo di volpe", "Se amando troppo" und "Notte di capodanno in ospedale". Für ihre Gedichte erhielt sie den Premio Penne.

Se amando troppo
si finisce
per non amare affatto
io dico che
l´amore è una amara finzione

Wenn man zu sehr liebt,
endet es damit, dass man
gar nicht mehr liebt.
Ich sage, dass die Liebe
ein herbes Trugbild ist

Übersetzung aus dem Italienischen: Kurt Übelbacher

The daughter of well known ethnologist Fosco Maraini was born 1936 in Fiesole near Florence and spent her early childhood in Japan. Because of her parents' anti fascist views, the family was confined in a concentration camp from 1943 to 45. After their return from Japan, she and her family lived in Sicily.

Dacia studied in Palermo, Florence and Rome, beginning her writing career with articles in literary magazines. Her first novel, “La vacanza” (“The Vacation” ) was published in1962, and the second, “L’età del malessere” (“The age of discontent “) won the International Formentor Prize in 1963 and has been translated into twelve languages.

She has subsequently published eight more novels, the last in 2013 called “Chiara di Assisi”, several investigative studies, essays. She has published 5 collections of poetry: “Mangiami pure”, translated in English as “Devour me too”, and “Donne mie” , “Viaggiando con passo di volpe”, ( “Traveling in the gait of a fox”), “Se amando troppo”, “Notte di capodanno in ospedale”. She has won major literary prizes for her work, notably the Premio Campiello for and Premio Strega in 1999. She won the Premio Penne for her poetry.