FR 24.10. 15 UHR MÜNCHEN

Clioina O'Connell (IR)

wuchs in Co Wicklow auf und lebt in Dublin.

Nominiert für die 2010 Poetry Ireland Introduction Series. Zur Zeit ist sie MA-Studentin am Mater Dei Institute der Dublin City University.

Ihre erste Gedichtsammlung "White Space" erschien 2011.

Inspiriert von der Idee des ‚leeren Raumes’, mit dem die Schöpfung beginnt, einem Ort zugleich karg und voluminös, iGedichte Meditationen über und Untersuchungen von internen und externen Landschaften. Persönliche Begegnungen mit der Natur sind der Ausgangspunkt für viele der Gedichte.





Turning as if turning                                                                                      
by wind curl or the Coriolis effect                                               
are physical and fictitious forces:                                                         
the Great Pacific Garbage patch.                                                                      
Pelagic plastics, polymer roots                                                                     
barbed aquatic cross hatch                                                                                    
of the new continent of trash,                                                                              
the size of Texas becalmed mid-ocean                                                         
in these latitudes for working                                                                                 
off a dead-horse debt.                                                                             

Cliona O’Connell grew up in Co Wicklow and currently lives in Dublin.

Selected for the Poetry Ireland Introduction Series in 2010. She is currently studying for an MA in Poetry Studies at Mater Dei Institute, Dublin City University.

"White Space", her first collection of poetry, was published in 2011 and got a prize. Taking inspiration from the idea of ‘empty space’ from which creation emerges, a place that is sparse and voluminous, her poems are meditations on and investigations of internal and external landscapes. Personal encounters with nature are the starting point of many of the poems.